Our story
We collaborate across borders and industries.
We are a unique bunch of changemakers and pioneers. We love to inspire and shift teams to transform opportunities into value. We are global, but local.
We think big but help our clients think bigger. We help to revitalize, to renew and to stretch people find increased confidence, clarity and the creative-edge to deliver systems that work.
We aren’t about once-off projects that sit on the shelf, but rather shifting to new systems that create fertile ground for a new world of possibility.
Why DesignThinkers Group?
DesignThinkers Group believe in the power of innovation through co-creation, and that tremendous value can be created when organizations move from ‘designing for’ to ‘designing with’ their customers, partners, and other stakeholders.
We co-design our interactions together with our client team, ensuring time and resources are used efficiently.
How we work
Whether the project is a co-design workshop, a bespoke training session, or a service design sprint, we work closely with our client team to understand the context of the design challenge and craft a program that provides the highest chance for a successful outcome.
We hand-over the capability for our clients to grow creative confidence through radical collaboration.
Our global family
Robert Bloom
Arne van Oosterom
Pedro Janeiro Managing Partner DTG Portugal +351 966 826 566 skype:pedro.janeiro.design
Marc Bolick
Jorge Rodriguez
James Rock Managing Partner DTG Gran Bretaña +44 7802976806 skype jamesrock57
Brian Ling
Adriana Dolnyckyj
Jose Luis Duce
Sarang Gupta +918447730437
Amir Hoshia
Eduardo Rigotto
Daniel Zentgraf
Cesar Trujillo
Mark Watson
Giselle della Mea
Eduardo Loureiro
Alfredo Osorio
Petra Pecarevic
Remy Edart
Join us for the ride
Are you interested in working with us? Are you looking for an internship? Do you want to partner or collaborate with us? Let us know, we are interested to discuss new opportunities.